minimum viable woo

this note is a placeholder for both an essay and a compilation of research/resources on why "woo", or spirituality in general, even if not often times factually correct, can be powerful and transformative - and what it means for our metaphysics, epistemology, axiology and cosmology.

at the same time, there are plenty of potential problems that come with it, such as cults, abusive behaviors/relationships, ethnocentrism, etc.

hanzi freinacht explores it well in his listening society book - on the less-seen pervasive effects of "magic beliefs" and how the confusion bred by the mix of vulnerability and non-ordinary states of consciousness of spiritual communities can be a recipe for disaster.

so this exploration intends to address - what is the middle ground? to what degree does faith, trust, devotion, service play a beneficial role in our development as individuals and societies?

how can it be applied consciously?

a few initial resources:

qualia research institute
An Integrated theory of false insights and beliefs under psychedelics