coordination systems

one of my main objectives through the L1F3 projects is to support the development of a coordination layer both for humans and the more-than-human world. many people in the metacrisis and web3 communities are also attempting to do that in global/large scales, in different ways. many social and regenerative movements are also attempting to do it in mostly local/regional scales.

this subject has taken me and still will take a lot of study/research/experimentation over decades to come, but there are important concepts, initiatives and possibilities to be further developed in the present.

civilizational-scale systems

see: SEEDS for a breakdown and exploration of each one.

main references

the fields of cybernetics, biology and systems/complexity science study it a lot. lots of resources i still need to curate.

important distinctions: coordination vs collaboration / cooperation

important concepts: superorganism, moloch, coordination failure, coordination frameworks, coordination protocols, coordination mechanisms.

related initiatives/orgs: civilization research institute / consilience project, SEEDS,, goodly labs, the society library, buckminster fuller institute