personal OS design

see also: design philosophies, design principles, design patterns, personal tech stack, minimum viable intentional tech stack;setup, personal algorithms design, personal systems design.

foundational inquiries

what are the core elements of a regenerative, humane, agent-centric operating system? how is it different from the operating systems we have today? how may it change when we consider the design of an OS of the future?

+ what can we do with our existing operating systems to make them more humane, intentional, regenerative for now?

there are a few projects that offer interesting possibilities...

my research

relevant introductory resources
core references
speculative design:

wonderOS / OLLOS - alexander obenauer -> speculative design + prototypes.
mercuryOS / new computer - jason yuan -> speculative design + v1 app.
folk computer -> research & prototypes on new physical computing interfaces.
ink & switch - lots of small prototypes / proof of concepts.

overall design

dynamicland -> a physically-distributed communal computer. profound research on creating a humane dynamic medium.
duskOS / collapseOS -> low-tech OS based on the principles of permacomputing and aware of our impending systemic collapse.
daylight computer -> low-tech computer
open interpreter 01 - an open-source language model computer. basically the practical version of this:

descartes demon LLM desktop OS - andrew blinn (rt by max krieger).png

protocols for distributed data/information management

holochain -> post-blockchain distributed ledger, holonic design.
noosphere -> a protocol for thought.
my own embryonic l1f3 protocol -> a protocol for collaborative play.

other references
smaller-scope, knowledge-oriented workspaces



codexOS - an attempt to create a complete local-first, open-source knowledge workspace.

unit -> a visually consistent programming language that could be the basis for a new OS.

research on distributed systems / collaborative workspaces


jacky zhao's experiments on building distributed systems

trust (collective)'s Moving Castles: Modular and Portable Multiplayer Miniverses

max krieger's curation on GNU/Linux as an environment to prototype desktop environments


the contents of the writing below are currently haphazard, disjointed and all over the place. please proceed at your own risk. (or don't. feel free to come back later when it'll be hopefully updated and improved.)

my perspectives / propositions

design principles



databases / data capture mechanisms
views / interfaces
tools / capabilities
processes / workflows

systems: directional check-in, consumption logs

itemized OS, distributed systems...