cosmoerotic humanism

really powerful philosophy proposed by david j. temple as an evolution of perennial philosophy, wisdom traditions and interior/exterior sciences to address the systemic challenges and callings of our time & species.

associated with: ken wilber/integral theory, metacrisis, civilization research institute.

CosmoErotic Humanism: Philosophy in a Time Between Worlds - very good short paper (7 pages) introducing the subject.

First Principles and First Values of Evolving Perennialism - Forty-two Propositions on CosmoErotic Humanism - "abridged version" of the book - 82 pages - i really recommend.

First Principles and First Values - Forty-Two Propositions on CosmoErotic Humanism, the Meta-Crisis, and the World to Come - full book, launched in 2024.

a compilation of tons of other resources -

alternative: a good intro in video format -

my highlights from this video:

16:11 "we have the metacrisis. the metacrisis is driven by existential risk. existential risk is driven by exponentialized technologies being weaponized. that itself is driven by win-lose metrics/rivalrous conflict, that generates the races to the bottom, the tragedies of the commons, multipolar traps - everyone has to develop that weapon system, but there's no interior technology to respond to it" (...) "at the core of the metacrisis is what? a breakdown in a shared story of value (that could actually generate a response to the metacrisis)." for the first time, we do'
we can't cohere/resonate unless we have the same story of value. it's the story of value that generates the possibility of coherence.

"pre-tragic / tragic / post-tragic consciousness"

"the interior of interconnectivity (systems complexity) is intimacy"

"mytho-poetic moves vs ontological moves"