
a therapeutic/coaching practice/methodology of "unfoldment" proposed by steve march, integrating wisdom from multiple psychospiritual tools & practices into an ecology of practices. it feels really resonant and i want to learn/experience more of it in the coming months.

a great intro:

friends that are deep into it: daniel thorson and marcelo peterlini.

a few scrappy/unprocessed notes from this podcast:

4 generations of coaching:

  1. outer
  2. inner (still adjusting)
  3. structure -> process (experiential, in the moment, relational)

aletheia distinction: depth + improving to unfoldment
deepen self-contact. what's present.

setbacks, deficient place. nothing missing, whole. what's here?

spontaneous deepening & unfolding -> IFS + depth ontology


technological x poetic attunement
improvement -> unfoldment

what we orient ourselves toward: capacity standing in reserve x (true, good, beautiful)

obsoleted, broken, optimized -> machine language

what's here? different depths:

  1. parts (surface) - separation
  2. process - fluid flow, felt experience, transient, impermanence (portal)
  3. presence/absence
  4. non-duality

not control.