vanessa andreotti

author of hospicing modernity, co-creator of the gesturing towards decolonial futures collective, dean of the faculty of education at the university of toronto.

amazing podcast interview introducing her work/research: "Hospicing Modernity and Rehabilitating Humanity" | The Great Simplification 125

see also: stephen reid's vanessa andreotti knowledgegraph.

highlights/notes from the podcast

four keys for regeneration:
emotional sobriety (heart)
relational maturity (we)
intellectual discernment (mind)
intergenerational responsibility (hands)


I knew this would be awful when she gave a land acknowledgement at the beginning and it only went downhill from there. This is why I hate academics.

my comments: who are these people (2nd and 3rd comments)??? they're selective enough to be on the great simplification podcast, but not resonating with vanessa. how are they interpreting this? do they lump this in with other postmodern, wishy-washy, relativistic stuff?

my highlights from the book

(coming soon)