biopsychosocial model

my usage of the term

i find it incredibly simple and useful breaking down quantified self data into biological, psychological and social - knowing that they influence each other - to help us in tracking and over time understanding/establishing relationships across our data, behaviors and systems.


"The biopsychosocial model (BPSM) was proposed by George Engel in 1977 as an improvement to the biomedical model (BMM), to take account of psychological and social as well as biological factors relevant to health and disease. Since then the BPSM has had a mixed reputation, as the overarching framework for psychiatry, perhaps for medicine generally, while also being criticized for being theoretically and empirically vacuous. Over the past few decades, substantial evidence has accumulated supporting the BPSM but its theory remains less clear."

"The model is popular and much invoked in clinical and health education settings and has claim to be the overarching framework for contemporary healthcare. On the other hand, the model has been increasingly criticised for being vague, useless, and even incoherent—clinically, scientifically and philosophically. The combination of these two points signifies something of a crisis in the conceptual foundations of medicine and healthcare."

the two papers below intend to review the original model, discuss new evidence/findings and address these challenges.

relevant papers: