
i see the project as a herculean attempt at rewriting the foundations of our personal computing stack as distributed, privacy and open-source - enable our social coordination systems to be radically more conscious, resilient and regenerative.

there's an extremely high barrier for entry though for non-developers at the moment (and developers alike, considering the amount of inner work necessary to recognize its value).


https://medium.com/h-o-l-o/best-of-holo-and-holochain-videos-be6740cf63fe (more beginner-friendly)
https://unblock.net/introduction-holochain/ (more crypto/web3 language)

initiatives in the holochain ecosystem:

hAppenings community - a kind of curation community of everything happening in the holochain community
metacurrency project
IOEN tech
commons engine
coasys / ADAM layer / flux

my twitter list of initiatives/people involved (not so up-to-date): https://twitter.com/i/lists/1337109446581948419

related: hylo, collaborative technology alliance