possibility management


my personal relationship with it:

in 2022-23, i went through an expand the box (their initiatory 5-day training), a possibility lab (another 5-day training), as well as a group immersion led by one of their trainers (a "possibilitator") with a few soul friends/co-creators for a few days.

i also did quite a few "emotional healing processes" (EHPs) and participated in a few of their other practices, such as the possibility teams, played their startover.xyz game and did some derivative practices such as playfight and the sanctuaries of attention game (both which i especially enjoyed).

overall, my experiences were powerful and significant, though expensive. their websites are full of great resources, distinctions, experiments, but they can also be very opinionated about how certain things work without much to ground their research on, besides their empiric experience (like feelings/emotions, emotional healing processes, trauma, and society as a whole).

i recommend at least checking it out, but only if/when you're coming from a grounded place and not if you're feeling fragile/uncentered/easily triggered, as they can intensify this experience and not necessarily give you the tools/support to move through it.

while i believe it's a valuable experience to sign up for a few of their trainings/sessions, i don't fully endorse it because (from my experience) it can be a money hole that leads you to plunge into infinite healing, without helping you address other aspects of your life that might be leading to you being in that situation in the first place.

even though i resonate with a lot of their purpose and insights, i find them often (ironically, since they talk so much about radical responsibility) lacking in responsibility with handling people's emotional/traumatic processes and in epistemic humility.

on the first point, they're often asking people to hold space for other's emotional healing processes (such as in the ETB) with minimal instructions/training, in a high-pressure environment (even though they call it a "safe space") and not much support for integration afterwards, which can just perpetuate the trauma further.

on the second point, i find it disconcerting how often they tend to negate/not engage with other lines of research at all. it's like there are no other "edgeworkers"/alchemists out there. they're the only ones. which creates a feedback loop of ever more jargon and empiricism, which contributes to a cultish sense/behavior.

so unless you know what you're stepping into, i'd recommend checking out a few other places first.

a helpful distinction offered by the fourgames and four facets of integral development frameworks (which they don't use/know about):

they're very focused on short/deep game, missing awareness/distinctions on the mid/long games. or in four facets terms, they're very focused on cleaning up and showing up, with some sprinkles of growing up and waking up, but not much integration of other wisdom traditions and modern academic/scientific research.

they also have a reductionist view of money that doesn't understand the complexity and design of our economic systems and crypto economies, although they adopt a few good practices such as sliding scale pricings, lots of free content and copyleft licenses on their intellectual work.

i believe they're aiming at wonderful directions with what they're doing with startover.xyz, possibility teams, initiations, gaian gameworlds/gameworld building, and more. but if they were more open to other fields of knowledge/ways of knowing, they'd be much better off.

i also find it (when in its shadow aspects) to be very eurocentric/colonialist at times (even though they also claim to be creating archiarchy), but i'll leave this comment/discussion for some other time. currently, it's still kind of an insular, cultish thing. often times made by them (facilitators), for themselves. valuable nonetheless.