minimum viable intentional personal tech stack;setup

see: digital environment design


this has been a long-standing research/experiment of mine as to what is the minimum set of viable digital technologies (personal tech stack) for an intentional personal computing setup.

we're talking desktop, mobile and everything in-between.

most open-source/local-first apps and solutions are too technical/inaccessible for the average user, plus suffer from a much lower-quality UX and lack of development/support (mainly, of course, due to the pretty much non-existent financial incentives for open-source software).

yet i believe we drastically need to give users more agency and sovereignty over their own data and personal systems design.

lots of web3 initiatives aim to tackle this in different ways, i've experimented with and follow the development of a bunch of them (IPFS, holochain, urbit, even gitcoin itself...) but there are still many bottlenecks, unsolved technical challenges and economic incentives for them to really start replacing standard web2 infrastructure existent today.

i also find the whole free open-source software and humane tech movements (unfortunately) still very limited in their scopes.

my current setup

physical setup
digital setup


data breakdown:

x pages (bookmarks)
x notes/highlights
x images
x videos
x metrics

y saved posts (instagram)
y saved posts (facebook)
y saved tweets (twitter)
y saved videos (youtube)

setup under consideration

in 2020, i created a (now outdated) notion personal tech stack database as part of the notion life management system. i will eventually update it with my most recent curation and setup, especially as i move it to anytype or some other form of user-owned local software that does relational database management (possibly obsidian/logseq/dendron with plugins, or a custom solution in the future).

for now, i'm compiling the tools i've seen/wanted to test here and will slowly adding metadata to them.

tools for local file / images / bookmarks / data / algorithms management:

file management - eagle (app)
image management - digikam, wiztree, eagle (app)
messaging tools - telegram, discord, whatsapp business
social networks - youtube / twitter / reddit / facebook / instagram / threads / substack / feedly (RSS feed) / podcast (castbox / snipd) / mastodon / bluesky / / sublime (ex-startupy) / melon / pinterest / artstation / dribbble / behance / cosmos
browser bookmarks management - raindrop
video management - pockettube
social reading highlights - glasp / memex (tool) /
personal data management / algorithms management - activitywatch / rize / toggl, fabric, HPI/chronicle app?
information management (social feeds) - community archive/ (ex-tweetscape)
knowledge management - obsidian/notion + plugins

data sources: search engines, wikis (wikipedia / golden, etc), social networks

analysis & consideration of (mostly) FLOSS
visual bookmarks navigation:

otter manager

desktop customization / ricing:

nix customization / rainmeter / screenstyler

ideal setup