🦸🏻‍♀️ design specs & constraints for enabling minimum viable vocational economies

draft link: https://medium.com/@cassiuscarvalho/design-specs-constraints-for-enabling-minimum-viable-vocational-economies-d4dda4867e23


the contents of the writing below are currently haphazard, disjointed and all over the place. please proceed at your own risk. (or don't. feel free to come back later when it'll be hopefully updated and improved.)

for an 80-page-plus guidebook + 12-episode series breaking down how our economic system can be redesigned, see: [SEEDS guide].

3-horizon approach. we'll focus on 1st horizon on this. ("make minimal changes, understand impact on the whole" doesn't help if you're in deep suffering right now. change now, reflect later.)

more to add: measuring GDP.

how money can be beautiful: sacred economics.

our economic system has an extractive, scarce worldview. abundance isn't having "infinite", "more than you need".

-> how to enable that sacred economy? + how to economically viabilize working on your ikigai?

(minimum/gradual steps?)

this is a real challenge that i've struggled with a lot, not sure i found a comprehensive answer yet, but i did find a lot of possibilities/hints.

funding the commons -> gitcoin, tea.xyz.

8 forms of capital
fluxonomy 4d
metacurrency project
library of economic possibility
gitcoin coordination mechanisms list
the field of refi as a whole + facilitation methodologies such as cooperation pedagogy
