
a term often used by folks in the metacrisis space. i believe contact with/access to psychotechnologies are necessary for any kind of deep self-transformation.

great intro by euvie ivanova - Psycho-Technologies for the Age of Collapse

"Psychotechnologies is a term that describes various practices, ways of thinking and being in the world, as well as philosophical, ethical, and religious frameworks." So psychotechnologies are something like “methods of soul-craft”.

Psychotechnologies can be roughly categorized like so:

  1. Individual Cognitive-Creative
  2. Individual Somatic
  3. Individual Integrative
  4. Collective Intelligence
  5. Collective Somatic
  6. Collective Sapience

another simpler categorization might be:

Let’s describe psychotechnologies with clear examples:

1.) Mental psychotech includes speech, literacy, numeracy, metaphor, meditation, and spiritual practices.

2.) Embodied psychotech includes fasting, sensory isolation, sleep deprivation, binaural beats, accupressure, breathing techniques, yoga, martial arts, and other forms of exercise.

3.) Pharmacological psychotech are compounds that modify cognition, from nootropics like L-theanine and gingko biloba, to caffeine, cannabis, psilocybin_, LSD, DMT_, and many others.

source: How Psychotechnology Changed Humanity Forever - Chris Perez