2023-10 - roote fellowship notes

"roote helps you clarify root-level systems to help humanity find our route. the fellowship is designed to bring ambitious frontier people together to connect and accelerate them on their path to impact on the wisdom age."

about: https://www.roote.co/fellowship

i participated in it during oct-nov 2023. i give it a 6/10 rating.

the wisdom age is a fantastic research-synthesizing essay by them that made me want to engage deeper with roote. in 2022-23, they also were prototyping trails.social (ex-tweetscape), a very interesting tool for intentionally using twitter for research and sensemaking.

i hoped the fellowship would go deeper into subjects such as the metacrisis, complex systems, metamodernism and discuss approaches/propose experiments as a community of practice.

in practice, i found it to be more oriented towards helping young people interested in social impact and self-development find their way in life/work. something like moving up and praxis did for me back in 2016/17. the fellowship didn't go deep into these profound sensemaking topics i hoped for and i found rhys' perspectives often aligned with the effective accelerationist meme, which disappointed me.

regardless of that, rhys is super generous, supportive, high-energy and a great writer. i find his articles great reminders/clear orientation devices on life design and intentional tech. most of the gold is available for free on speedrunner's canon, i recommend going over it if you're in need of some guidance/principles/heuristics/order in your life.

also, feel free to explore any topics of interest in his posts, i've read a bunch and they're often great - https://www.rhyslindmark.com/all-posts/.

my notes going through it:

my intentions/objectives

  1. publishing research / experiments / prototypes โ†’ projects taking a life of their own
  2. monetization pathways
  3. friends who can exchange / bring new perspectives
  4. co-conspirators / partnerships / co-creators

i.e. clarify/share projects, publish research, build network, get new opportunities.

-> a grande pergunta รฉ:

  1. o que eu quero publicar?

  2. o que eu quero que aconteรงa/ter acesso no fim desse processo?

  3. publicar:

  1. acesso a:


program goals:

  1. consolidate and publish my research, experiments & prototypes

on the metacrisis, systems design, psychotechnologies and meta-cognitive tools for more conscious, effective, fun and fulfilling learning, living and collaborating - into many different formats: articles, notion pages, obsidian pages, images.


a) my research & prototypes (into different mediums: articles, notion pages, obsidian pages, images)

b) "next steps" presentation:

  1. connect/chat with:

  2. apply to fellowships/grants/co-development (or apprenticeship/assistant roles)

goals & KPIs:
  1. creation goals


  1. connection goals

  2. learning goals

  3. artistic development goals

โ†’ last week:

roote projects:

weekly schedule:


roote reflections:


choose one thing

(simplify / how to operationalize based on the impact you wanna have)

if i need to choose 1 thing, it's L1F3.
launching l1f3 stream (as a community/ecosystem). mostly embodying the architect archetype.

why L1F3: orienting ourselves towards developing both micro and macro-scale coordination/gameplay systems.

i.e. establishing rd.labs as a meta-guild.

for those interested in meta-systemic transformation.
(there are layers/levels of disruption. one may be earlier in the journey, focused on the personal first. that's fine. what's important is the interest/perspective in whole systems transformation)

meta-systems and tools for playing life in more conscious, effective, fun, collaborative and fulfilling ways, which support personal and systemic transition.

a hub for L1F3 players researching, developing and implementing the above.

simplify - simplify - simplify

building this "player lifestyle" can be a step-by-step process.

in essence, my goal is to have a lifestyle that allows me to work on & learn deep technical skills (by building intentional/impactful projects), while having money/time/energy to take care of myself (go to the gym/do martial arts and go to music circles/activities).

how does pruning work? - developing intuition about natural systems
first week:

โ†’ conv. menu as establishing vocabulary/wordcloud map of knowledge/interests/projects.

โ†’ l1f3 player profile as an intro to the L1F3.GAME, life as play and projects as a whole.

โ†’ meta-systems view solving for:

โ†’ agent-centric designs & recommendation systems:

core weeks:
consolidate & publish research:

for the past 4 years, i've been designing and living my life through the framework of an open-source human experiment. you can find all of my notes, references, findings and (soon) tracking data publicly available on my digital garden, which i believe can increase trust, collaboration and help you understand where this research is coming from.

structured view:

ps: this presentation format/structure comes from the l1f3 management methodology, an open-source, decentralized and modular approach to creating more conscious, effective, fun, fulfilling and collaborative realities & lifestyles.

narrative view:

suggested research trail:


core challenges we're facing & emerging opportunities to thrive amidst the metacrisis:

less recognized/widely unknown leverage opportunities:

last few weeks:
personal brand:
linkedin objective:

next courses:

next projects:

next volunteering actions:

phase 2 (post-roote fellowship):

rhys 1:1 - 25/09/2023


[young people] learnings & challenges working with / accelerating them

[post-capitalism] experiments (potluck, 8 forms of capital, player profiles/system)

[meta-systems] OODA loop (OS, manager, streaming, player system)

my question:

putting out content allows you to take the facilitator role and just ask: how can i support you?


how to operationalize the l1f3 player lifestyle. based on the impact you wanna have.


natasha commons stack
gabriel gaoa

session 1 - 02/10/2023


rachid f: CS+econ -> web3, re-fi, insurance/saas...

alisaerisen: entrepreneur/projects?

aarna: whatsapp

wisdom & systems room: kah vern, christina, simon, utkarsh, alimi

โ†’ simon: purpose foundry twitter
โ†’ christina: classics/philosophy -> cog sci

rhys' "how to think in systems" RF1 reference:

session 2 - 09/10/2023

self-awareness, how to work with me manual.

session 3 - 16/10/2023