hello! welcome to my digital garden! 🌷

this is a space in which i'm:

a) publishing my research/curation and proto-designs on consciousness, technology, art, regeneration and games as responses to the metacrisis - the uniquely challenging moment we're living in the history of our civilization, and

b) planting notes - exploring different ideas, resources, pathways to create thriving societies, oriented towards supporting the integral development of individuals and our systems, instead of the one we have, based on win-lose dynamics and extractivist paradigms that are debasing our ecological substrate, promoting profound psycho-spiritual alienation and leading us towards impeding systemic collapse.

ps: in case you arrived here but don't know who i am, you can find πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ€ an introduction to my life, self and work here.

❔ how this space is structured

notes in this garden have 3 growth stages: #🌱 (seedling), #🌿 (budding) and #🌲 (evergreen).

there are two ways you can navigate this space:

  1. πŸ—Ί a structured, organized, narrative way, in which i share the foundational concepts, references, tools and discoveries of my research/learning/work.
  2. πŸ•Έ a loose, experimental, self-directed navigation on a topic-based index of notes, which is how the notes are planted in this space. (coming soon, an alternative navigation based on relevance scores is available in the meantime)

choose your path below!

1) πŸ—Ί my research - structured way

(clickable soon! for now, you'll find a few essays below.)

read more about the research themes/inquiries or jump straight to the core essays below.

transform life into a real-world massive multiplayer online-and-offline collaborative self-transformation & regenerative civilization-building game.

(see more at: l1f3 game)

you can read a lot more about the motivations, background and philosophical basis of this research on my viable pathways book-zine (coming soon).

core essays
  1. 🌿 πŸ‘‹πŸ» my thesis - thriving in the metacrisis & facilitating the regenerative transition with the help of life support systems, networks and games
  2. 🌱 πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ a meta-system for modular self-development & interoperability across philosophies, methodologies and perspectives
  3. 🌱 πŸŒ€ on the present & future of authentic and transformative learning - tools, resources & pathways
  4. 🌿 πŸ’­ foundational concepts for developing regenerative information ecologies & empowering knowledge commons
  5. 🌿 🎎 the role and potential of curation, community & lo-fi;ambient content amidst accelerating attention & experience economies
  6. 🌿 πŸ•Ή life as play, energy management, collaborative life wisdom & ontological design as systemic responses
  7. 🌱 πŸ¦ΈπŸ»β€β™€οΈ design specs & constraints for enabling minimum viable vocational economies
  8. 🌱 🌐 an introduction to the L1F3 support systems

*note: these articles are still under development/revision. the emojis represent their growth stage.

my aim here isn't to provide definitive answers, but starting points. my hope if for this curation to serve as an overview, to give us some clarity of the territory and empower us as sensemakers and infinite players. so we can start playing these metagames more consciously, easily and collaboratively.

2) πŸ•Έ loose navigation - notes breakdown

relevance score visualizations

i still have to figure out why the digital garden plugin i'm using isn't allowing me to show the relevance score property on my notes. i currently have 87 notes with assigned relevance scores over 80, and i'm slowly adding it to more and more of them (mostly design/architect & lab notes were tagged so far, so the index below is missing a ton of stuff from alchemy, art, player and regen, that are less processed/more embryonary).

i intend to fix this soon, but in the meantime, while i'm also building the 025 πŸ—Ί topics & references MOC and viable pathways' 05 - core references & resources pages, this is a useful visualization for navigating this research garden by identifying what i deem as most relevant from the areas above:

*i've hid anything below 80 relevance score since - well, they're not as relevant at the moment, and therefore shouldn't clutter this visualization.

1) index
file relevancescore type notestage
metacrisis 98 concepts/design
  • 🌿
civilization research institute 98 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌱
daniel schmachtenberger 98 people/references/architect;design
  • 🌱
design philosophies 98 _006_core notes
  • 🌱
civilization design 97 concepts/design
  • 🌱
coordination systems 97 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
L1F3 support systems 97 _004_L1F3
  • 🌿
intimacy crisis 96 concepts/design
  • 🌱
ring of power 96 concepts/design
  • 🌱
integral development 96 concepts/alchemy
  • 🌱
church of the intimate web 96 initiatives, orgs & communities/alchemy
  • 🌱
metagame.wtf 96 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌿
SEEDS (ecosystem) 96 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌿
integral theory 96 models & frameworks/alchemy
  • 🌿
knowledge design patterns 96 patterns/pattern collections
  • 🌱
diome.xyz 96 projects & tools/projects/design
  • 🌱
first principles and first values 96 references/alchemy
  • 🌱
metamodernism 96 responses/alchemy
  • 🌱
cosmoerotic humanism 96 responses/alchemy
  • 🌱
second renaissance 96 responses/design
  • 🌿
permacomputing 96 responses/regen
  • 🌱
climate crisis 96 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
life design 96 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
life itself research 95 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌱
holochain 95 initiatives, orgs & communities/lab
  • 🌱
world game 95 projects & tools/projects/player
  • 🌿
duskOS 95 projects & tools/tools/lab
  • 🌱
legitimacy crisis 94 concepts/design
  • 🌱
moloch 94 concepts/design
  • 🌿
the great simplification 94 concepts/design
  • 🌿
4e cognition 94 concepts/alchemy
  • 🌱
meaning crisis 94 concepts/alchemy
  • 🌱
ways of knowing 94 concepts/alchemy
  • 🌱
life itself 94 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌱
devine lu linvega 94 people/references/lab
  • 🌿
mapping 94 responses/lab
  • 🌿
regenerative design 94 responses/regen
  • 🌱
energy crisis 94 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
knowledge commons 94 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
lifestyles 94 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
personal algorithms design 94 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
semantic web 94 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
tools for thought 94 topics/architect;design
  • 🌿
financial crisis 94 topics/architect;design
  • 🌱
information design 94 topics/lab
  • 🌱
interactive visualizations 94 topics/lab
  • 🌱
knowledge management 94 topics/lab
  • 🌿
knowledge visualization 94 topics/lab
  • 🌱
fourgames 93 models & frameworks/player
  • 🌿
startover.xyz 93 projects & tools/projects/player
  • 🌱
mΓΊsica do cΓ­rculo 93 responses/art
  • 🌿
decolonization 92 concepts/alchemy
  • 🌱
psychotechnologies 92 concepts/alchemy
  • 🌿
meaning alignment institute 92 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌱
bret victor 92 people/references/lab
  • 🌿
vanessa andreotti 92 people/references/regen
  • 🌱
human programming interface 92 projects & tools/tools/lab
  • 🌱
self-directed learning 92 topics/player
  • 🌱
pedagogia da cooperação 91 models & frameworks/host
  • 🌱
alexander obenauer 91 people/references/lab
  • 🌱
gordon brander 91 people/references/lab
  • 🌱
maggie appleton 91 people/references/lab
  • 🌱
subconscious (tool) 91 projects & tools/projects/lab
  • 🌱
m4rkim 91 references/music/artists
  • 🌿
francis miller 90 people/references/lab
  • 🌿
karlicoss 90 people/references/lab
  • 🌱
softspace 90 projects & tools/tools/lab
  • 🌱
goodly labs 88 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌱
ink & switch 88 initiatives, orgs & communities/lab
  • 🌱
dashboards 88 responses/lab
  • 🌱
knowledge graphs 88 topics/lab
  • 🌱
recommender systems 88 topics/lab
  • 🌱
codexOS 87 projects & tools/projects/lab
  • 🌱
neighbourhoods 86 initiatives, orgs & communities/lab
  • 🌱
wardley mapping 86 models & frameworks/design
  • 🌿
mercuryOS 86 projects & tools/projects/design
  • 🌱
scaling synthesis 86 projects & tools/projects/design
  • 🌱
trails.social (ex-tweetscape) 86 projects & tools/projects/lab
  • 🌿
weco 86 projects & tools/tools/design
  • 🌱
hive.one 86 projects & tools/tools/lab
  • 🌱
xanadu 84 projects & tools/projects/design
  • 🌱
possibility management 82 initiatives, orgs & communities/alchemy
  • 🌲
interneto 82 projects & tools/projects/lab
  • 🌱
catalist network 82 projects & tools/tools/lab
  • 🌱
emergence magazine 81 initiatives, orgs & communities/architect;design
  • 🌱
hylo 80 projects & tools/tools/design
  • 🌱
unit 80 projects & tools/tools/lab
  • 🌱
2) map

(under development, version in-progress below)

additional information

how do I make my own garden?

i edit this using obsidian, a note-taking software that i use for myΒ second brain. you can start using the app by downloading it for free at obsidian.md. there are many tutorials and possible advanced setups, but for starters, i recommend nick milo's "obsidian for beginners" youtube series and his LYT obsidian toolkit.

to host my notes, i use theΒ obsidian digital garden pluginΒ . it's quite easy to setup. but you can also pay for obsidian publish for a simpler, less technical setup.

how can i be in the loop for new content/updates on these projects?

sign up for my newsletter. also, if you want to be even more 'in the know', one possibility is to join a whatsapp group i created, in which i only occasionally share updates and exchange with a small group of friends. i'm leaving it open for new co-conspirators as well right now, as a way to approximate our relationship if you really feel the resonance. ❀ ask me about it on telegram.