minimum viable intentional personal systems setup

related notes (to be processed): personal tech stack, personal OS design, personal algorithms design, personal systems design.

also: clarify distinction between personal systems and digital systems.


this has been a long-standing research/experiment of mine as to what is the minimum set of viable digital technologies (personal tech stack) for an intentional personal computing setup.

we're talking desktop, mobile and everything in-between.

most open-source/local-first apps and solutions are too technical/inaccessible for the average user, plus suffer from a much lower-quality UX and lack of development/support (mainly, of course, due to the pretty much non-existent financial incentives for open-source software).

yet i believe we drastically need to give users more agency and sovereignty over their own data and personal systems design.

lots of web3 1 initiatives aim to tackle this in different ways, yet though i've experimented with and follow the development of a bunch of them (IPFS, holochain, urbit, even gitcoin itself...) there are still many bottlenecks, unsolved technical challenges and economic incentives for them to really start replacing standard web2 infrastructure existent today.

i also find the whole free open-source software and humane tech movements (unfortunately) still very limited in their scopes.


TfT in your OODA loop (conceptually)

subconscious/noosphere (-> [?]) | - there are 2 approaches - starting/joining new (local-first, distributed, open-source) systems (IPFS, holochain, urbit, etc) and adapting the existing systems to be better. his workflow is on the latter. other custom makers: linus lee / omar rizwan ( / nikita voloboev (, dima gerasimov (karlicoss) (protocol)

see: karlicoss', nikita voloboev, thesephist, stephen wolfram setups + future OS prototypes/speculative designs.

these are basically more advanced life management (and sometimes - quantified self) setups, going beyond what most advanced PKM practitioners do, but still mostly concerned with personal data management, and not necessarily regenerative life / systems design.

in 2020, i created a (now outdated) notion personal tech stack database as part of the notion life management prototype. i will eventually update it with my most recent curation and setup, especially as i move it to anytype or some other form of user-owned local software that does relational database management (possibly synapsis, obsidian/logseq/dendron with plugins, or a custom solution in the future).

related: tech stack design, digital systems design, digital environment design, algorithm design, recommender systems.