What can a technologist do about climate change
*the application of this article goes way beyond the topic of climate change. i recommend reading it not only considering our climate predicament, but the complex, entangled situation of our civilizational systems as whole - challenges, risks, shortcomings, biases, etc... it's a great starting point for exploring different large-scale action pathways.
the article presents a few of the kinds of technological transformations/innovations/initiatives that are deeply needed and are not being talked about enough.
the whole 1) Media for Understanding Situations and 2) The world is not what you see parts.
i recommend you read the full article, but if you don't, these two parts are short, you can skip to them to get why they're so important.
on 1:
he introduces important concepts i'll return to often when discussing coordination systems, collaboration, sensemaking: model-driven debate, model-driven reading, model-driven authoring.
these can be seen/experienced in his own ten brighter ideas, the society library's debate maps, and more.
on 2:
he shares a simple yet powerful framing of how we cannot afford as a society to continue with our businesses/governments/economies "as usual". there is and there can be no such thing as not being "mission-driven" (& i'd add: wide-boundary oriented). we're always optimizing for some things at the expense of others, often unconsciously. we need to take this seriously and end the reign of nihilistic design. i urge you to read this and the article i just linked, deepening the analysis.