theories of change

relevant introduction: 2R wiki - Theories of Change

a simple framework by marcelo peterlini: mission, vision, problem, worldview.

the GTDF collective offers a comparison of six different theories of change in terms of their understanding of the causes and solutions of global problems.

see: second renaissance papers/mapping projects for good examples.

what should be one's (or a society's) orientation toward change? how can we harmonize different orientations?

different perspectives include: personal and collective thriving, the flourishing of all beings, wisdom, enlightenment, liberation, wholistic/integral development and more.

while seemingly negligible, these differences in framing can make a world of difference when it comes to prioritization.

relevant examples:

daniel schmachtenberger/the consilience project advocates for omni-win-win games, wide boundary metrics and ecosystems health such as described in development in progress, bend not break and the new economic series.

cosmoerotic humanism towards ever-greater intimacy with all things, achieved by the clarification of desire and awakening the eye of value, in connection with eros-telos and the field of value.

metamodernism as proposed by hanzi freinacht proposes an orientation towards human development. i.e. an increase in overall stage, code, state and depth.

the GTDF collective also aligns with the ecosystems health perspective through practices of co-sensing with tenderness and developing sensefullness, with a focus on reparation, regeneration, and decolonization.

some other initiatives/communities, such as the inner development goals or SEEDS make more agreeable/less challenging metaphysical claims and present a few easier-to-implement intermediary steps that seem to be net-positive.