see also: c4ss1us.lab mmm.page (visual overview)
major challenges to be addressed / fields to work on:
how can technology support civilization design, life design and self-transformation?
distributed/decentralized systems design -> economic systems, governance systems, knowledge systems, information systems
tech stacks -> personal computing -> permacomputing / distributed systems
tools for extended cognition -> OODA loop augmentation / DIKW management (sensemaking, information management, knowledge development, wisdom development)
life management -> l1f3 management ontology, toolkit, memex, co-pilot & more
key guiding directions/ideas:
- how might we design & build new economic systems that address the foundational economic incentives for accumulation, extraction, abstraction that are driving the metacrisis?
web3, refi, financial incentives for open-source software, (...)
- how might we adapt existing systems (reducing harm & expanding utility) vs developing post-collapse, regenerative infrastructure?
permacomputing, low-tech approaches, prototypes, etc.
- what is the role of computers and computation in a regenerative society?
a humane dynamic medium: one that integrates dynamic visualizations, world models, knowledge representations, spatial computing, extended cognition and more to effectively... (see below)
- how might we empower ourselves and our communities to navigate the metacrisis and create omni-win systems?
augmenting our OODA loop: 1) tools for self-transformation -> 2) tools for sensemaking / tools for extended cognition -> 3) tools for self-management -> 4) tools for collaboration -> 5) coordination systems / self-actualization systems.
- how might we get started with designing, building and applying these systems/tools, despite the economic and infrastructure challenges today?
extremely intentional personal systems design: developing across 4 dimensions of a wholistic collaborative life management system. leveraging algorithms, trust networks, low-tech and other forms of existing collaborative infrastructure.
relevant existing topics/resources:
see: github lists
+ weighted topics map:
personal OS design -> adapt existing systems
algorithms -> personal algorithms design -> personal system
digital environments (2d, 3d, XR, views, interfaces, software, games)
physical environments / devices / artifacts
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