05 - core references & resources


the contents of the writing below are currently haphazard, disjointed and all over the place. please proceed at your own risk. (or don't. feel free to come back later when it'll be hopefully updated and improved.)

compiled curated pages / tools / orgs toolkit

pages (more contextual):
-> see refs below
+ raindrop interneto-like bookmarks (coming soon)

-> personal tech stack -> c4ss1us' tech stack notion database

core references breakdown:

*its application goes way beyond the topic of climate change. i recommend reading it not only considering it, but the complex, entangled situation of our civilizational systems as whole - challenges, risks, shortcomings, biases, etc... it's a great starting point for exploring different large-scale action pathways.

big picture framing articles on the future of education / coordination / collaboration as the life game:
Level Up: Presenting the Future of Education as a Game, and How … — Voice Over Exit
Education is the Metacrisis - Perspectiva
Gaming the Future - Technologies for Intelligent Voluntary Cooperation (Foresight Institute)

historical accounts / breakdown articles:
Tools for Thought as Cultural Practices, not Computational Objects - Maggie Appleton
Spatial Web Browsing / A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden / Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs

design principles / metaframeworks series:
Metadesign, Jogos e Transformação Cultural. | by Caio Vassão | Medium
Metadesign e Meta-aprendizagem: da estética ao cosmo. | by Caio Vassão | Medium
Como financiar a transformação? | by Caio Vassão | The Funnel | Medium

research consolidation / experiments:
Diome - Technology for a Regenerative Society
Life Itself Research
ink & switch
LN 000: The Lab Notes / EXPERIMENT 001: Cross-reference Navigation in Obsidian / OLLOS (members-only)
Curl Projects

collective/collaborative databases:
Manifesto - Startupy - now?
Hey heey, welcome to Startupy — Startupy Index - now https://sublimeapp.notion.site/A-SUBLIME-INTERNET-b5453f44067e4e8c81f02716fc162cdc
catalist network

P2P Foundation Wiki
Second Renaissance Wiki
SEEDS wiki
Library of Existential Hope
Library of Economic Possibility
Open Source Ecology wiki
Appropedia (high volume)

visual/spatial mediums/explorations

information ecology maps:
Map of my Internet - Joodaloop
second renaissance's ecosystem mapping
nadia asparouhova's climate tribes
joe lightfoot’s the liminal web map
peter limberg's memetic tribes of culture war 2.0

research thesis based on a primary image/diagram:
Anatomy of an AI System / The Nooscope Manifested

topic navigation maps:
Tom Critchlow's Topics Map

great primary maps:
Future Narratives - Radar
techDetector | Radar
sublime topics
singularity university tech topics breakdown
Musicmap | The Genealogy and History of Popular Music Genres

upcoming mapping initiatives:
MapsMap: Build an app for open source collaboration on maps of problems through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. - Devpost
Intelligent Cooperation Tech Tree
Second Renaissance Ecosystem Mapping - Life Itself

block-level page exposition:
Spatial-communities by @ianv - vienna hypertext
Ten Brighter Ideas - explorable analysis of 10 claims around nuclear energy
Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework (1962) - Douglas Engelbart

block-level knowledge-building:

research project breakdown page:
WonderOS / Hello, Operator!
MercuryOS / Jasmin Winiarski Maze Portfolio Website

MVP specifications:
SoftspaceAR | MVP Design Paper - by Yiliu - Softspace
trails.social (ex-tweetscape)

overviews -> website navigation:
Azlen Elza / Musings on Jigsaw Worlds / Design Journal -> Micro Learning Futures - Azlen Elza

video series:
The Third Attractor Primer Series - liberatemankind
Clareza da Missão - Download Mental - YouTube
{learning} - SEEDS - YouTube

community gaming/research experiment:
Hivemind - Serpentine Galleries
Moving Castles: Modular and Portable Multiplayer Miniverses / Trust

digital gardens:
The Garden of Maggie Appleton
kosmik garden (patricia parkinson)
tft hacker
scaling synthesis
azlen elza

collaborative knowledge gardens:
Life Itself Research Garden

📖 Livro digital: Portfólios de Vida

The FourGames Deck: Creating a Handy Oracle Card Game
Baralho de Habilidades Reaprendiz (degustação da versão beta)

XR/metaverse guides:
M3 Home Space / M3-org/git-gud: how to git gud / Content Creation: Designing an Experience - The Design of Virtual and Augmented Reality

AI guides:
sw-yx - AI notes: notes on AI state of the art, with a focus on generative and large language models.

knowledge management design specifications:
Andy Matuschak
Personal Knowledge Graphs
Scaling Synthesis

personal OS design specifications:
Linus - the sephist
karlicoss' HPI/PDI

map navigation interface based on open-source data:
Open Knowledge Maps - A visual interface to the world's scientific knowledge
Open Syllabus: Galaxy / Open Syllabus / Dataset Documentation — Open Syllabus 2.8 documentation

3D/metaverse-oriented AI:
masterpiece studio
luma labs
blockade labs

article-style ecosystem mapping:
The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets
Mapping Metamodern - Charting an emerging ecosystem by Life Itself, Emerge and collaborators

curated lists of projects w/ descriptions:
The Architecture of Open Source Applications / Projects | thesephist.com

interactive encyclopedia/wiki:
Iconographic Encyclopædia of Science, Literature, and Art

AI directories:

core concepts:
metacrisis / planetary transition / human phase shift
game b / civilization design / systems design
omni-win systems / distributed systems / decentralized systems / regenerative systems / disruptive systems
regeneration / disruption / integration
metadesign / ontological design
integral theory / four quadrants / fourgames
meta-cognitive processes / life management / life support systems
game design patterns -> maps / boards -> wardley mapping / game board

PKM setups:
obsidian projects dashboard / Rainbell129/Obsidian-Homepage: A dashboard for your obsidian vault.
juggl / breadcrumbs / dataview

community-curated knowledge networks:
sublime (ex-startupy)
Top Curators On The Internet - Google Docs

individual's wikis/knowledge gardens:
jacky zhao

market intelligence organizations/tools:
wardley mapping
bismarck analysis (high curation)
the cynefin co / sensemaker (tool)
metaculus (platform)

best personal websites:
technical -> Maggie Appleton / Andy Matuschak
artistic -> Bruno Simon / Jesse's Ramen
strategic, aligned -> Patricia Parkinson / Benjamin Life / Andrew Murray Dunn

alternative personal websites:
The Satyrs’ Forest 🍇 / R.V.Klein 🐇 HOME
Drew's Conversation Menu - Google Docs

core comms:

cada vez mais acessível: design intencional de sistemas pessoais. (apps/tecnologias q a gente usa). entretenimento q a gente consome, onde direcionamos nossa atenção, ferramenta de gestão da vida (nossa vida e os jogos que a gente joga).

conscious/intentional/humane tech/systems design:

ref: https://www.inkandswitch.com/embark/
habitica / lifeRPG (both open-source)


⭐ tools:
invidious - alternative youtube front-end
nitter - alternative twitter front-end
trails.social (ex-tweetscape)
nodus labs
AI knowledge graphs

data breakdown:

networks / data sources:
google / youtube / wikipedia / twitter / reddit / facebook / instagram / substack (RSS feed) / podcast (snipd) / discord
golden / sublime (ex-startupy) / mastodon / bluesky / are.na / glasp / melon
pinterest / artstation / dribbble / behance

files management:
social bookmarks - raindrop
notes - telegram <> obsidian
images - eagle (app)
videos - youtube
personal data - synapsis (rescuetime, rize, toggl)

x pages (bookmarks)
x notes/highlights
x images
x videos
x metrics

y saved posts (instagram)
y saved posts (facebook)
y saved tweets (twitter)
y saved videos (youtube)

2nd layer - open explorations:

OSE Apprenticeship | Open Source Ecology / cohere network

global ecovillage network (GEN) / IC / worldpackers / workaway

makerspaces / maker culture / hackerspaces
creative spaces
incubators / accelerators / hubs

stephen reid / paul rony

"research agents" / "application agents" / "follow-up/relationship agents"


talk about: /
++ mapping. envisioning futures.

other / passive references:


the open revolution - rufus pollock

tbd - bucky fuller

tbd - token engineering / token engineering commons
token economy - shermin voshmgir
tbd - metacurrency

o chamado pra liderança regenerativa - desenvolvimento regenerativo
a jornada humana em busca da visão - desenvolvimento regenerativo

soulcraft - bill plotkin
the completion process - teal swan
how to do the work - the holistic psychologist

life management

mainstream communicators:
thomas frank, ali abdaal, marie poulin, anne-laure le cunff / ness labs, august bradley

mainstream tools:

deeper communicators:
bryan jenks
shu omi

main "theorists":
andy matuschak
tiago forte / forte labs / BASB
nick milo / linking your thinking

more obscure/deeper thinkers/developers:
zsolt viczián / zsolt's visual personal knowledge management system - https://www.youtube.com/c/VisualPKM
alexander obenauer - future of personal computing - https://alexanderobenauer.com/labnotes/000
infranodus - AI-augmented cognition - https://twitter.com/noduslabs


reality disruption labs topics:

future of:


work (action)
communities (decision-making)
environments (sensemaking)

sublime (ex-startupy) most interesting topics:

by tier:

tier 0:

tier 1:

tier 2:

tier 3:

by topic:

singularity university community topics:

A - Computation
A.A - Quantum Technology
A.B - GPU Chips
A.C - IOT & Sensors
A.D - XR 1 (AR/VR)
A.E - 5G Communications
A.F - Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Tech
B - robotics
B.A - Nano Robotics
B.B - Automation (RPA)
B.C - Drones
B.D - Swarm Robotics
B.E - Robotic Surgery (n/i)
C - artificial intelligence
C.A - Machine Learning
C.B - Data Science
C.C - Computer Vision
C.D - Neural Networks
C.E - Natural Language Processing
C.F - Generative Design
D - Additive Manufacturing
D.A - Laser Sintering and Fusion
D.B - Fused Filament Fabrication
D.C - Stereolithography
E - design philosophies & Ethics
E.A - Bioethics
E.B - Moral Philosophy
E.C - Ethics and AI
E.D - Philosophy of Technology
E.E - Philosophy of Information
F - Psychology
F.A - Mental Health
F.B - Digital Presence
G - Biology & Physiology
G.A - Cyborgism and Human Enhancement
G.B - Digital and Simulated Biology
G.C - Health and Wellness
G.D - Neurobiology/Neuroscience
H - Leadership & Transformation
H.A - Workforce Up-Skilling
H.B - Systems Thinking
H.C - Business Models & Value Creation
H.D - Future Planning
H.E - Technological Unemployment
H.F - Adaptability and Resilience
H.G - Universal Basic Income (UBI)
I - Innovation
I.A - Design Thinking
I.B - Prototyping
I.C - Technology Adoption
I.D - Corporate Intrapreneurship
J - Entrepreneurship
J.A - Startups
J.B - Venture Capital Investing
J.C - Private Equity Investing
K - Governance
K.A - International Relations
K.B - Policy and Legislation (n/i)
K.C - Public Good
L - Sociology & culture
L.A - Cultural Beliefs and Identity
L.B - Social Cooperation
L.C - communication and Language
L.D - Equity and Access
L.E - media
M - economics
M.A - Globalization
M.B - Technological Unemployment
M.C - Economic Systems
N - Built Environments
N.A - Urban Development
N.B - Architecture
N.C - Disaster Resilience
N.D - Sustainable Development
N.E - Transportation
O - Digital Environments
O.A - Social Media
O.B - Immersive Environments
O.C - Mixed Reality
P - Natural Environments
P.A - Climate
P.B - Ecology